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Dawn Hawkins

Certified Consultant


My Story

I was introduced to Scentsy in February 2010. I purchased my first warmer at a Women's Conference in Temple, Texas. Time I got it home, I plugged it in and  fell in LOVE with Scentsy instantly. For months I searched to find a Consultant in my area and did not have any luck until May of 2010.I was dropping my daughter off at gymnastics class and there was a vehicle in the parking lot with a Scentsy sign posted on it. I sent my daughter inside for class while I waited outside for the owner of that vehicle to come out. I think I waited for about 20 minutes; but I was determined to make her my Consultant. Well, she finally came out the store and I approached her. We got to talking about Scentsy and the next thing I knew I had scheduled an appointment with her to host a party. I hosted my party in May 2010 and at the closing of my party I signed up to become a Consultant.My orginal goal was to become a Consultant in order to support my LOVE for Scentsy products. Well, the next thing I knew, my Scentsy business took off quicker than what I wanted to. I introduced it to my family in Mississippi, I had  people hosting parties after parties, and then I started advertising Scentsy on my vehicle and I had customers on top of customers. My family and I travel alot and I always have people (no matter where I go) inquiring about Scentsy. I can honestly say Scentsy sells itself!!Thank you Paula for introducing Scentsy to me!

What's warming in my home